On June 19th the Orfeón de la Junta Nacional de Bomberos de Chile arrived to the Munich airport Franz Josef Strauss, where I was waiting for them. At the airport they had to wait for the buses.
Despite the long fligth with aircraft change in Frankfurt they had enough energy to shout a "Viva Chile!!!" in the bus on the way to Augsburg
There the waiting started again in the Rudolf Diesel School until they asigned them teir restrooms.

El Manager y su chofer Esperando el bus Esperando el bus El orfeón en la Rudolf Diesel Schule

The joungsters carried their mattress from the sportshall of the school to the restrooms, while the persons in charge of the group waited to be carried to their apartment.
At the evening Dietrich Angerstein even had the energy to go to a reception to the exhibitors at Interschutz. I toke the chance to make a picture of a very interesting table. The second elemt beside the lamp, has been a coffemaschine, the rest of the elements are left to your hability to guess.
The dealed chilean wine hasn't arrived yet.

LLevando colchonetas Familias del Director y profesores Recepción de los expositores Elementos_quemados

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