In 2000 I had the chance to visit Interschutz in Augsburg - Germany where I met many friends from my time as voluntary fireman in Chile. This site was born in memory of those days. On start, they only contained my pictures and commnents of the Interschutz fair. But then I started collecting material about other firehouses and the pages began to grow ...
As a voluntary in the Fifteenth Firecompany in Santiago de Chile   I was interested in firehouses, appliances and experiences of other voluntaries.
This sites are a documentation on my visits in different countries where I had the chance to met voluntary firemans.

- Germany
    Firehouse Meerbusch-Büderich
    Firehouses in Düsseldorf
    Firehouse in Grevenbroich-Kapellen
    Firehouse in Nieheim
- Spain:
    Firehouse La Escala
    Firehouse Estartit
    Firehouse La Bisbal

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